What’s Yours is Mine? Indoor vs. Outdoor Storage - Safety and Security
January 30th, 2023

Some examples of happens at outdoor storage facilities:
You thought your possessions were safe. Stored away with a strong lock and they sat safely in your storage unit for time. Then you get a call from your storage facility. They proceed to inform you that somebody took bolt cutters, cut your lock, and ransacked the unit and your belongings.
Now you’re checking the storage unit, taking inventory of your losses and what remains. Security cameras did not catch too much. The crime happened in the middle of the night in a poorly lit area of your outdoor facility. There is also no record of someone entering the area using a monitored gate, they simply climbed the fence and just picked your unit as an opportunity they could not resist. Now you’re stuck with the problems. Did you have insurance and did you properly catalogue everything? Now you’ve got to move everything to another unit. Will the offender get caught; more than likely, no! And are you going to ever get anything back? Again, the answer is a resounding no! Unless you enjoy driving around to all the pawn shops or checking on-line sellers to see if your stuff is for sale, it’s gone.
Unfortunately, at some point in our life we all may deal with crime. Instead of taking the cheaper route and hoping for the best. Make a smarter decision and store with inside climate-controlled storage. The decision to store inside a facility will drastically reduce your exposure to potential crime and theft for several reasons:
- Visual – unlike an outside fenced in area, nobody can sit and watch you unload your possessions from the outside in an indoor facility. Outdoors, someone looking for opportunity can simply watch you unload your possessions and quickly determine if you have something they want.
- Cameras – our building has an extensive security camera system that is always on and actively recording. Our camera system is immune from outdoor elements. Cameras are not going to get covered in snow or ice, blinded by glare or rain and they are not going to get shifted from the wind. Combined with our access/entry phone technology, it takes very little time to determine who was where in an indoor facility if a problem occurs.
- Security Alarms – while some areas of outdoor storage may have some form of alarm system, the overall cost of an alarm system for every unit is cost prohibitive. Indoor facilities can effectively alarm the entire building, all the gates and door entries providing 24-hour alarm security.
- Keyless Entry – a fenced outdoor may have a gate requiring a code for entry and a physical lock for the unit. Other than that, the facility has little insight into who is coming and going. Loaded with state-of-the-art technology, the systems typically associated with a keyless indoor facility allow for 24-hour monitoring of gates, doors, and units. Tenants can also see if their unit is unlocked. Tenants can also control who has access to the facility and their unit.
- Access – only current tenants can access the building. There is nobody else allowed into our building. If someone did try to break into the building, the items discussed above would activate and authorities are immediately notified.
While hopefully we never have to deal with a personal crime, it unfortunately is a reality. You’ve worked hard for your belongings, and they may also be cherished family items that need storing. Why leave anything to chance. At StoreIt you are gaining safety and security and the knowledge that your hard-earned possessions are safe and secure with us.